We are now in the season of Lent. Lent is the season which prepares us for Good Friday and Easter. In this penitential season, Christians around the world renew their commitment to prayer (right relationship with God), fasting (right relationship with self), and giving (right relationship with others). These spiritual disciplines slow us down, help us to see the world and our faith in a new way, and hopefully lead us toward greater shalom and justice.
Category Archives: Events
New Worship Director
We are excited to announce the hire of our new Worship Director Melinda Postma. Melinda has already blessed us with her gifts and we are thankful to have her in an expanding role as Worship Director.
Disciples Union Wednesday Fellowship
A new program has begun at church for high school and junior high students. The program is under the authority of ACRC, but we are partnering with volunteers from the Church of God in Oakland and students will be welcomed from both churches. All volunteers will adhere to the Safe Church guidelines.
The weekly schedule will be as follows:
5th – 8th Grade Ministry:
2:00-4:00pm After school hang out / homework / activities / occasional field trip to a park
4:00 – 5:00/5:15 pm Fellowship (simple games, songs, message sharing, devotion, etc.
occasional field trip to a park nearby)
5:30 Parent pick up (allowing some buffer for parents)
Leaders Preparing Dinner:
High School and College Ministry:
6:00-7:00 pm Dinner
7:00 – 8:00 pm Fellowship (songs, games, message sharing, devotion)
BEING Challenge
Today we begin the BEING challenge, a follow up to the RED LETTER Challenge from last February. This is a daily study with weekly meetings in small groups and on Zoom that all members are encouraged to participate in. It is not too late to join us, and all who are interested may get more information by emailing council@alamedacrc.com.
Advent & Christmas Services & Events
Advent Series “Light Splits the Night”
Sunday, Nov. 27 through Dec. 18 at 10:30 a.m.
Christmas Carol Wednesdays
Every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
Holiday Tea & Carol Sing-Along
Thursday, Dec. 15 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
Children’s Christmas Pageant “Angel Say What?!”
Sunday, Dec. 18 at 10:30 a.m.
Christmas Eve Service with Grace Alameda
Lessons and Carols followed by Candlelight Vigil
Saturday, Dec. 24 at 4:00 p.m.
Christmas Day Service with Cantata “My Christmas Prayer”
Sunday, Dec. 25 at 10:30 a.m.
APC Farm-to-Table Lunch
Please join us on Sunday, May 22 from 1:00-3:00pm to dine among the rows of APC’s two-acre urban farm. (2600 Barbers Point Road, Alameda) Tickets are limited and cost $100 per ticket, visit their website for more information and to purchase you ticket.
Alameda Point Collaborative hosts this unique fundraiser to raise critical funds for formerly homeless families and individuals living at our supportive housing community on the decommissioned Naval Air Station. With each dollar raised, APC provides housing and vital services to help end homelessness and find a path to sustainability. We know it can be done because we do it every day!
Catered by Pacific Fine Food, this farm to table experience will include a delectable meal with produce sourced directly from the farm and supplemented with treats donated by local food purveyors. Our neighbors Dashe Cellars, Almanac Beer Company, and Brix Beverages have generously donated the beverages for the event.
Holy Week 2022
This year at ACRC, we are inviting you to participate in Holy Week at three different times and places to worship, enjoy fellowship, and celebrate God’s grace in the death and resurrection of Jesus!
Palm Sunday, April 10
We’ll be joining for worship on Sunday morning (come to wave your palm branches!) There will be a presentation from Stephanie Hofman about our Kids Connection projects during Lent. After church, at 1:00 pm at the parsonage kids are invited to participate in an Easter Egg hunt.
Good Friday, April 15 at 5:00 pm
We will join with Grace Alameda at Immanuel Lutheran Church (1420 Lafayette St.) for a service of reflection and remembrance. We’ll partake of the Lord’s Supper together. Look in the April Joyful Noise for a detailed map of where to park and enter the church.
Easter Sunday, April 17
Come praise our risen Savior together with music led by our Choir, as well as some visiting instrumentalists. After the service, we’ll enjoy a brunch potluck together – look for a sign up in the next week
Prayer Gathering
You are invited to join a group of people who pray together each Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. This group meets in person at the church. Those who are not able to be there may join through a Zoom connection. This is an informal group. We pray in the powerful name of Jesus, and we welcome those who put their faith in Him and able to join any of these meetings. Requests for prayer may be directed to Jean, our prayer coordinator. Contact Luann after 5 p.m. on Monday to receive the Zoom information if interested.
Food Drive for Alameda Food Bank
The Alameda Food Bank is accepting real food again as the pandemic continues. The drive will run from September 25-October 10. This includes 3 Sundays. The food bank is not using red barrels anymore so look for a table with a Food Bank sign.
Items suggested:
Condiments such as mustard, ketchup, olives
the extras in life that make life good
They have lots of peanut butter and rice
Please no glass containers
As always monetary donations may be made directly to the food bank. They are able to buy $7.00 worth of food for each dollar donated.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Coffee Break Starting
Coffee Break is an inductive Bible study for women. This means each person participating does the lesson on their own before the meeting. Then at the meeting the passage of scripture is discussed together sharing the ideas each person has discovered as they studied on their own. This year the group will study Hebrews. Coffee Break will meet in person at church and also on Zoom this year. The Zoom information is available by contacting Luann or calling the church office. The meetings take place at 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesdays each month, September through May.