Holy Week 2022

This year at ACRC, we are inviting you to participate in Holy Week at three different times and places to worship, enjoy fellowship, and celebrate God’s grace in the death and resurrection of Jesus!

Palm Sunday, April 10
We’ll be joining for worship on Sunday morning (come to wave your palm branches!) There will be a presentation from Stephanie Hofman about our Kids Connection projects during Lent. After church, at 1:00 pm at the parsonage kids are invited to participate in an Easter Egg hunt.

Good Friday, April 15 at 5:00 pm
We will join with Grace Alameda at Immanuel Lutheran Church (1420 Lafayette St.) for a service of reflection and remembrance. We’ll partake of the Lord’s Supper together. Look in the April Joyful Noise for a detailed map of where to park and enter the church.

Easter Sunday, April 17
Come praise our risen Savior together with music led by our Choir, as well as some visiting instrumentalists. After the service, we’ll enjoy a brunch potluck together – look for a sign up in the next week