We are a community of people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds, and we invite you to join us. Our congregation is neighborly and familiar, so we hope to get to know you on a personal level. We welcome you to participate in our activities and events. We aim to know and serve God together through our ministries as well as public worship.
We exist to bring glory to God as we grow together by
showing love, sharing truth, and shaping lives.
SUNDAYS at Alameda CRC
10:30 a.m. English and Korean Worship Services (in person and on-line)
Join us for a service of songs, prayers, offerings of support, and teaching from scripture. Nursery is provided for children 4 years old and younger. KIDS Connection Sunday School (for children age 5 through 6th grade) meets during the second part of the service.
12 noon Food & Fellowship
Stay after the service for a time of coffee and cookies, followed occasionally by a lunch provided by our members or members of the Alameda Korean Church. It’s a great way to get to know us.
- Our Infant and Toddler Nursery is located at the back of the Fellowship Hall. The Nursery is available to children 0-4 years of age.
- Children in Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to participate in Kid’s Connection. They will be invited to leave the service before the message.
- Hearing devices are available from any usher.
- We invite you to make Alameda CRC your church home. If you would like us to keep in touch with you, please fill out our Welcome Card located in the pew racks and place it in the offering bag.
- You may also use the back of the Welcome Card for any prayer requests you may have.
- Please join us in the Fellowship Hall after the service for refreshments.
We are glad you are here! And relax! God put the energy in young children; please don’t feel that it has to be suppressed in God’s house. All are welcome!
Sit close to the front where it is easier for the little ones to see and hear what is going on. They tire of looking at the back of people’s heads.
Sing the hymns, pray and voice the responses. Explain the parts of the service. Children learn worship behavior by copying you.
If it is necessary to leave the service, feel free to do so. You are always welcome to use our nursery or stay in the Fellowship Hall, if you prefer.